High performing teaming is the result of enabling and unlocking the potential of each member’s capability, capacity their relationship with themself and each other, and actively managing all factors critical to the team’s success. Providing objective observation and assessment, their ODR coach facilitates the identification of current and potentially future tasking and capability gaps; establishes stretch goals in context relevant action learning projects and evolves their teaming to achieve greater performance. Whether transforming mental models or re-engaging a team for energy, focus and drive, this program generates deep commitment to team effectiveness.
- Map and navigate the team’s dynamics to determining strategies for optimising the contribution of each member
- Extend the whole team’s performance by creating and improving consciousness of the team’s dynamics and its impact on culture, engagement and cohesiveness
- Practice tools for leveraging each member’s talents and contribution Build and enable a committed high impact team culture, engaged with customers and stakeholders
- Targeted action learning strategies that build capability within their work context and collect objective data to identify team progress
- Built in opportunities to calibrate learning to continually refine and extend individual and team development?
See our Building and Leading High Performance Teams workshop for the foundation competency (knowledge, skills and attitudes), tools and techniques.